1/01/2014 02:44:00 AM
you have joined it, you will probably miss it to happend for the
second time. The National English Seminar 2014 held by ESA lasted
with an excellent mark. The Seminar on “Intenational Scholarship
Programs- East Meets West; Cross Cultural Awareness of Scolarship
Hunters” received a round of compliments from lecturers, especially
Rector of Malang Islamic University, Prof. Surahmat, M.Si. The
Seminar was conducted on December 21st, 2013 and was attended by
almost 250 participants. This seminar might be a very special event
for the committee and participants since Prof. Surahmat, Rector of
Unisma, also attended and officially opened it. Besides, the presence
of the keynote speakers has made the Seminar more interesting and
prestigious- Dr. Esti Junining, M.Pd., Dip.Appl.Ling, Harits Masduqi,
M.Pd., M.Ed, Dzul Fikri, SS., M.Pd, Nanang Endrayanto, SS., M.Sc, and
Abd. Kadir, S.Pd did their excellent presentation and amazed the
audience with their scholarship journeys. the objectives of holding
this seminar is to motivate the participants especially freshmen of
English department Unisma to hang on their dreams as high as sky.
Hopefully the next seminar would be more prestigious. Go Go Go
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