Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Is TV an Effective Media to Build Your Children's Mind ?? Written by Andarwati Masruroh, Universitas Terbuka Surabaya

Andi..... Turn off your television and go to study now!” that sentence is not uncommon any more in our ears, isn’t it? It is often said by most mothers in our environment. Most of mothers often feel difficult to ask their sons or daughters to do their duty. Their children stand on wacthing television for some hours. It causes some mothers feel confused and worried about the development of their children’s minds. As we know that television is one of popular entertainment, communication, and education equipment in our daily life. With television, people, especially chiildren, can refresh and develop their minds to get knowledge and entertainment, but television does not always become the effective way to build the minds of children. It can give bad influences for their minds especially in their moral and intelligence.
Television can give the bad effect for children’s moral. We know that television always serves various shows or programs for the viewers. Unfortunately, television often shows the program which are not suitable with the children’s age such as criminal news, sinetron, upper 17-years-old movie, fashion, fight program etc. Intan Pariwara says in one of the analytical text that the programs which were unsuitable with children’s age could affect the children’s behaviour, and could make the children mature before their time ( Detik-detik ujian nasional, 2013) so that they can loss their chilhood. The statement above is strengtened by Dr. Agus Darsono, open university professor, he mentions that children between 5 until 9 years old were good at catching concrete thing (perkembangan peserta didik, 2009:5.1-5.30). Based on what he says, we can know that children will be easily effected by what they watch from the television whether it isgood or not. By watching television’s program uncontrolledly, the children can also grow to be spoiled guys. If they wacth amusing advertisement, commonly the children will have their parents buy those things for them. It is not seldom any more if the children will cry and force their parents to get what they want so that this case can build bad behaviour for the children.
Television can give the bad effects for children’s intelligence also. Most of television stations compete to attract the viewers’ interest and attention by showing some amusing programs or shows. That’s why television often shows intertaining programs especially for the children such as Teletubbles, Sponge bob, Larva etc. The amount of intereted programs shown by television makes the children stand in front of the television for a couple hours and make them lazy. Anita Wibisono, a psychoanalysist, states that being lazy was one of the factors that can decrese the intelligence of the children ( Wikipedia). If the students or children are enjoyful to watch television programs, they will not study, do their duty and do their homework consequently their achievment will decrease and their brain will not develop well because it is seldom used to think.
Whether television is the effective wayto build the minds of the children has been answered and known from the explanation above. Commonly, everything always has positive and negative sides, included television can be useful tool and vice versa, television can cause the poor impacts for the children’s moral and intelligence with the programs shown. In this problem, the parent’s role takes the important part to take care and guide their children in watching the best program for them in order that we can build the moraled and intelligent mind for the children like what we hope.
Work cited:
  • Detik-detik Ujian Nasional. Surabaya: Intan Pariwara, 2013
  • Darsono, Dr Agus, Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Tangerang : Universitas Terbuka, 2009: 5.1-5.30
  • Wibisono, anita. Pengaruh Negatif Televisi Bagi Anak. Dampak Negatif televisi. 10 Apr 2013 ( http//.www.wikipedia.com)

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